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Adult Learning Tips for Going Back to School

A Group of medical students enjoying their interactive class at the BAMA Institute.

Do you want to make adult learning work for you?

Young or old, the first day back at school can bring on a bad case of jitters.

The good news is there are ways you can make going back to school easier for you.

Here are 3-tips to help you do your best in class from the very first day to the last.

Adult Learning Tip #1: Start a Study Group

You’re not the only one going back to school. Other people, just like you, are taking the same big step. Some of these people may even be sharing the same back-to-school worries as you. Worries such as, how am I going to cope with the workload?  It’s a worry that may be high on the list for adult learners who have been out of school for a while.

To get back into the swing of school life, ask your classmates if they’re interested in starting a study group to cope with the workload to come. Don’t be shy. Your classmates will probably be glad you brought up the idea. You’re not the only one who wants to ace school.

Study groups have a number of benefits. You’ll get new perspectives on what’s taught in class. You’ll pick up on information you might have missed. And you won’t put off study when you don’t have to hit the text books alone.

Adult Learning Tip #2: Create a Study Hangout

Now you’re going back to school, you’ll need a place where you can get away from it all. Let’s call it your study hangout. A place where you can crack open a school book, make notes, or prepare for an upcoming test. Things like that.

Make sure your new study hangout suits your studying style. A place where you feel right at home. Not that your study hangout has to be in your home. It can be anywhere. How about your favorite Wi-Fi spot that just happens to sell the green tea latte you like? Or maybe that perennial favorite – the library?

Once you’ve got your study hangout all lined up, it’s time to show up there regular as clockwork. One way of making that happen is by creating a weekly study schedule that will be a helpful reminder to you of the studying you need to do.

One other thing, don’t forget to let your family and friends know that when you’re hanging out in your study – you’re unavailable outside of emergencies.

It’s study time! tell them. They won’t mind.

Adult Learning Tip #3: Bust Your Stress

Going back to school is a positive step you’re taking in your life. You’ve set your sights on a goal – and you’re going for it. Watch out world!

But even good things in your life can bring about stress. And stress is stress, whether it’s the good or the bad kind.

Getting to school on time, studying hard for the grade you want – things like these can become major stressors in your day.

Chances are the ways you currently relieve your daily stress are going to work for you when you’re back at school.

If you don’t think that’s going to be the case for you, look for something new to help you make your going back to school as much of a stress-free zone as possible.

The good news is there are plenty of options to bust the stress in your school life. Think practicing yoga, listening to music, meditating, exercise, talking to someone, to name just a few potential stress busters for you to try.

Do any of those options sound like something that could help you?

Improving Your Life with Adult Learning

Whatever your goal is for going back to school, such as training for healthcare work – your decision can drastically improve your life.

As an adult learner, you’ll be part of a movement of people who are choosing further education as a means to get a new job. Or advance a career. Or just add the fun of learning something new to their life.

Thousands of people over the traditional schooling age, recognized as being 25-years old, are experiencing the benefits.

Adult learning proves to be an inspiration in their lives.

People have climbed the career ladder, found a whole new career altogether, or brought the joy of gaining new knowledge into their lives.

It’s tough reaching worthwhile goals.

But it’s comforting to know there are simple, actionable ways for you to make your going back to school journey one you can look back on with pride, saying to yourself: I did it!

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California Department of Public Health
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education

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