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Healthcare Work is More Than Just A Job

A  cheerful healthcare worker confident in her abilities and values -- those beliefs, standards, and principles that help shape them as people.

There are many career training opportunities available for people thinking about healthcare work.

These healthcare career training programs are affordable and designed to train a student and have them on the job market quickly.

EKG Technician and Nursing Assistant are just two healthcare career training programs that are popular with students.

If you’d like to swap your job for a career you’re passionate about – have you thought about working in healthcare?

Healthcare work can offer much more than merely a means to pay your rent and bills.

Healthcare work can bring a sense of fulfillment to your life 

What currently gives you a sense of fulfillment in your life?

Your relationships with your partner, family, and friends may come quickly to mind. Your hobbies may register highly as a rich source of fulfillment in your life. If you have a companion animal, it’s very likely they too add immeasurable value to your days.

But what about your job? When you think about your current work, does it bring the kind of fulfillment you’re seeking?

For many healthcare workers, their career usually aligns strongly with their values — those beliefs, standards, and principles that help shape them as people. The values they hold dear add importance to their work. Their work is not just about picking up a paycheck.

Some career values that commonly resonate with people working in healthcare are:

  • Helping others
  • Potential for professional growth
  • Opportunity for advancement
  • Recognition
  • Trust and respect
  • Variety of tasks
  • Public contact
  • Contributing to community
  • Physical activity
  • A chance to learn new things
  • Job security
  • Diversity
  • Working with others
  • Tangible work results

Do any of these career values speak to you? Are they values unfulfilled in your current job? How does that make you feel?  Is it time for a change?

Does healthcare work interest you?

For many people, healthcare work brings a passion to their life they didn’t experience previously.

For instance, the ability to help patients and their families get through difficult and trying times is often commented upon by healthcare workers as one of the most fulfilling and rewarding aspects of their job.

Choosing a career that will you to be fulfilled and happy doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

Fortunately, simply thinking about what you want to bring to, and get out of, a new career will go a long way to setting you on the right path to choosing a field of work you can be proud of.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that healthcare occupations are projected to add more jobs than any of the other occupational groups.

With that kind of job outlook, is helping others a career value that would bring you some of the work fulfillment you’re missing in your life?

Could working in healthcare be more than just a job to you?

Accreditation and Certifications

California Department of Public Health
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education

Get your healthcare career training started today. Call admissions on 415-943-2028.

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